Friday, August 28, 2009



Roger Moore stars once again as Bond, 007. 1983. Director: John Glen.

MI6 agent 009 (Andy Bradford) is murdered, but manages to get to the British embassy in Berlin before falling dead to the floor. He's holding a fake Fabergé egg and MI6 directly suspects something.
Bond (Roger Moore) is sent to the auction where the real egg is going to be sold. He switches the real egg with a fake at the place without anyone noticing it. The Afghan prince Kamal Khan (Louis Jourdan) pays a fotune for the egg, and Bond follows him to India to find out why.

Khan and the russian General Orlov (Steven Berkoff) are cooperating. Orlov supplies Khan with priceless Soviet treasures which they create replicas which they replace the originals with. Then Khan smuggle the real stuff into the west with the help of the wealthy Octopussy (Maud Adams).
Bond investigates and beats Khan in backgammon and after teasing him a bit, Khan sends henchmen to kill Bond's helping man Vijay (Vijay Amritraj). It's no game any more.
Bond meet Octopussy who's living at her own private island where only women are allowed to be. But Bond is an exception, of course. Khan is using Octopussy, and plans to murder her later when he no longer need her to smuggle jewels and such.
Orlov is planning to buy tanks and weapons to take control of Europe. Of course, that can't happen and at the same time as Bond has to stop him, he also has to stop Khan from killing Octopussy and hundreds of other people.
This isn't a very good Bond film. The scenes with the circus and all of that feels stupid and doesn't fit in the film. Maud Adams who also starred in The man with the golden gun as Andrea Anders, is back as the smuggling queen Octopussy. I feel that they could have chosen someone else for the part.
You can feel that Roger Moore isn't going to be Bond for a longer time after this. The next film, A view to a kill, was his last Bond film before saying goodbye to his time as Bond. By the way, I met him when he signed his new biography, My word is my Bond, not long ago. So cool! A living legend.

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