Monday, September 7, 2009

It's a wonderful life

It's a wonderful life

The unforgettable classic motion picture with James Stewart in the leading role. 1946. Director: Frank Capra.
It's christmas eve 1946 and the considerate and unselfish man George Bailey (James Stewart) is deeply depressed. He plans to commit suicide. But up above, the angels knows what's happening.
The head angel, Joseph, tell Clarence (Henry Travers), an Angel of Second Class, to save the unhappy George. Joseph tells Clarence about George's life, from the beginning until the present happenings.
When George was 12, he saved his younger brother Harry (adult: Todd Karn) from falling through the ice. George got a cold which lead to an ear infection and since then, he can't hear good at all in that ear.
George then also saved a sick boy from getting poison instead of the real medicine. Later, George dreamed of travel around the world and build scyscraperes and bridges. But he must sacrifice his dreams for helping the people in his little town, Bedford Falls.
He's helping his father at the family company 'Bailey Building and Loan Association' until his four years younge brother Harry has finished his studies and can replace him.
But then, some years later, George finds out that he's father has had a stroke. George decides to keep running the company so that the vicious Mr. Potter (Lionel Barrymore) doesn't get control of the town's poor people who's depending on George's company.
But many years later, George has never got to do anything of what he dreamed of. The economy is going down, everything seems pointless and he seems to be alone in the world even though he has four children and a lovely wife (Donna Reed).
George then run away to kill himself, but right in that moment Clarence arrive and tries to help the depressed George, but will the angel be able to make George realize what a wonderful life it really is? Even though it's all dark and depressing.
This film is really beautiful. James Stewart is such a good actor and is perfect as George Bailey. It's very touching and sometimes really sad. Such a wonderful movie.

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