Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

The second film where Frodo's journey towards Mount Doom continue. 2002. Director: Peter Jackson.
With his faithful friend Sam (Sean Astin), Frodo (Elijah Wood) continues his long journey to Mordor and Mount Doom where he must throw the ring into the fire to destroy it and with it, Sauron.
Merry (Dominic Monaghan) and Pippin (Billy Boyd) has been taken prisoners by the uruk-hai's and are taken to Saruman's (Christopher Lee) quarters, Isengard. Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), Legolas (Orlando Bloom) and Gimli (John Rhys-Davies) are running after them to free their friends.
Frodo starts feeling the power of the ring, hanging around his neck. The creature Gollum (Andy Serkis) is following them, but Sam and Frodo knows that something follows them. He's then finally revealed and they desides to take him with then as their guide, but tied up in a rope.
Sauron's power is growing stronger and Frodo can feel it in him. They're getting closer to Mordor, and it's becoming much harder to hide from Sauron's nazgûls who's looking for the ring, and the ring wants to be found.
The brave three wariors Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli meet king Theoden (Bernard Hill) who's enchanted by the dark magic of Saruman. Theoden is the king of Rohan, but since Saruman has taken control over him, it's a tragedy in the whole country.
Frodo and Sam are walking closer to the walls of Mordor, but Gollum is slowly turning Frodo to the bad side. The ring's power makes Frodo start wondering if Sam is to be trusted. At the same time, Saruman is preparing a great battle to take control over Rohan!
This part of the trilogy is really good, but because that it containes much more wars and battles then the other films, it's not as good as the others. It's not bad at all, no no. It's marvelous, but the battles can get a bit too long if you've allready seen the film several times, like I have.
Or, it's not the battles themselves. When the men and elves fight Saruman's uruk-hais in Helm's deep, then we sometimes has to watch Merry and Pippin when they attend to a meeting for the Ents in the forrest. That's pretty boring actually.
Aragorn and Arwen's romance is very beautiful and you can almost cry, but I repeat: almost. Viggo is very handsome as the tough but worried Aragorn. Miranda Otto, who plays Éowyn, is a good actress by the way. Just had to say that. Well, but still, this is the most battle-filled Lord of the Rings film.

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