Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pirates of the Caribbean - The curse of the Black Pearl

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl

The unexpected blockbuster starring Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. 2003. Director: Gore Vebinski.
Elisabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) is the governor's (Jonathan Pryce) daughter who lives with her father in Port Royal in the Caribbean. She's terribly beautiful and has especially two men who absolutely adores her.
Those men are Captain James Norrington (Jack Davenport) and the poor black smith Will Turner (Orlando Bloom). During a cermony where Norrington is promoted to a Commodore, Elisabeth is very troubled about her corset which is making her getting serious problems with breathing.
When Norrington proposes to her, she faints and fall into the ocean below. Luckily for her, the odd "Captain" Jack Sparrow sees her fall and dives into the water to rescue her. As she's sinking to the bottom, her medallion which she's wearing emits a mysterious pulse through the water.
Jack tears of her dress, because it's very heavy in the water. When he finally get unconscious Elisabeth out of the water, he sees her medallion and finds it mysterious. He then cuts of the corset and Elisabeth starts breathing again.
Even though he's just saved the becoming bride of Norrington, the Commondore arrests him for piracy. Jack escapes but after a fight with the blacksmith Will, he's locked up in prison to be hanged the following day.
But at night, a black ship with black sails, arrives to Port Royal. It's the 'Black Pearl', a ghost ship which most people thinks as a myth. But it isn't a myth, and the crew is real too. They have come to answer the call of the medallion.
Thinking that Elisabeth is the daughter of 'Bootstrap' Bill Turner, they kidnap her. Will, who loves her madly, tries to rescue her, but is hit by the pirates who've come ashore, and he doesn't wake up until the following morning.
He tries to persuade Jack to help him find the Black Pearl and rescue Elisabeth. Jack agrees when he finds out that Will's last name is Turner. But Jack knows something very important about the crew of the Black Pearl, a knowledge that will make their mission much harder then Will have ever imagined.
This is the perfect, classic adventure movie. It has action, romance, an exotic location, and pirates. Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow is extremely good, and without him, this film wouldn't have been so special. Good, but maybe a bit boring.
But luckily then, there is Johnny Depp. He's really an amazing actor. Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley are good, but still nothing really special. The lovely young couple.
Really a must-see-movie. It's exiting, funny, exotic and avdenturous! The perfect movie for a person who likes both exitement and romance. Maybe there's a little bit more of the exitement here, but still, romance.

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