Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead man's chest

Pirates of the Caribean - Dead man's chest

The second 'Pirates...' movie. Just like the first film, this is a blockbuster! 2006. Director: Gore Vebinski.
Elisabeth (Keira Knightley) and her beloved Will (Orlando Bloom) is suppose to get married, but they are interrupted before the cermony by lord Cutler Beckett (Tom Hollander).
He's from the East India Trading Company and is sent to Port Royal to stop piracy there. He threatens to execute them, and the absent ex-Commodore Norrington (Jack Davenport).
Elisabeth is sent to prison for helping Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), but Will is sent to get Jack's magic compass and bring it to Beckett. If he doesn't get it in time, Elisabeth will be killed.
Will finds Jack at an island where he's like a leader for a group of natives on the island. The rest of the Black Pearl's crew is killed or trapped in cages. They got there after Jack wanted them to find any land and get away from open water.
Jack is marked with the Black Spot, a mark that shows that he's doomed to be Davy Jones's (Bill Nighy) slave for eternety. He's then chased by Davy Jones's "pet", the Kraken. That's a monster looking like a huge squid with sharp teeth.
Will agrees when Jack wants Will to help him find a mysterious key, and then when he got the key, give the compass to Will. But Will is taken prisoner by Davy Jones on 'The flying Dutchman', Jones's ship.
Jack must find the chest where Jones's heart is, so that he can become free from Jones. But Elisabeth who's escaped, wants Jack to help her find Will, and then Jack makes her believe that she can rescue Will from Jones, only by getting the chest. Will Jack ever be free from Jones's curse?
This is film is not as good as the first one. It's much more unrealistic, even if the first one wasn't so especially realistic either. The crew of Davy Jones is really odd, and certainly not realistc. Will's father, Bootstrap Bill (Stellan Skarsgard) is one of these people.
It feels like as if the people making the film has tried to squeeze everything imaginable out of the Pirate-idea. But it's good entertainment. But the scenes aboard the Flying Dutchman can be a bit boring the seventh time you see it. But, not the first time that you see it.
I simply loved this film when I sat in the boiling theatre and looked enchanted at the screen. I simply loved it. But, it's not a deep film winning Oscars for the script and so on. But very entertaining, and Johnny Depp is still great as Jack Sparrow.

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