Disney's film about the man of the jungle. 1999. Directors: Chris Buck, Kevin Lima.
As an infant, Tarzan was brought to the coast of Africa when his parents managed to rescue themselves and their beloved son from a burning ship. In a wild jungle, they build a house to live in.
At the same time, the happy gorilla mother Kala, loses her beloved son to the dangerous leopard Sabor. Disconsolate she continues to live her life as the partner of the leader of the gorillas, Korchak.
One day, she hears a baby cry somewhere, and she rushes to find who it is. She finds the little infant Tarzan, and after a fight with Sabor, who has killed Tarzan's parents, she manages to get back to the gorillas.
As Tarzan grows up, he decides to become the best gorilla in the world, but he's really a man. He's trying to prove himself worthy to his "adoptive" father, the leader of the Gorillas.
But when a group of explorers from England arrives to the jungle, everything change. Tarzan realizes that he's like the explorers, a human. He falls in love with the curious Jane, who finds him very interesting. But when the evil explorer Clayton wants to see the gorillas, things becomes very dangerous.
Exiting Disney film with great music and exotic location. It's a good film and there's a lot of action. Some songs are really good, such as "Strangers like me". It's well made and worth seeing.
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