Sunday, October 18, 2009



Slow and disapointing. Not starring any really famous actor or actress. 1969. Director: Alfred Hitchcock.

Someone is leaking information to the Soviet Union about what a defected KGB-agent has told the French Intelligence Service. Someone in the French Intelligence Service is a mole. Who?
When I was sitting in the living room, ready to watch a Hitchcock movie, I was expecting something exiting. Something thrilling. Something with suspense! But what do I get? A boring movie which isn't touching or thrilling at all.
It was really a disapointment. I hate to say that about a movie of the greatest director of all time, but that's how it is. It would be a lie to say the opposite. It's too long too. I thought that it would never end.
One of the worst things is that I never cared about any of the caracters. In all of the other Hitchcock movies I've seen, I had feelings about the caracters. They were interesting. But none of the caracters in this movie is. It's really sad that it's like that, but I can't do anything about that.
That there's no famous actors or actresses doesn't have to mean that the movie is bad, but very often it actually does. This movie has no actors that I really know anything about, no actresses either. The only one is Karin Dor who played an evil woman in You only live twice. But she's not really famous...

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