Monday, August 31, 2009

Tomorrow Never Dies

Tomorrow never dies

Pierce Brosnan's second Bond film with Jonathan Pryce as the villain. 1997. Director: Roger Spottiswoode.
The leader of the Carver Media Group Network (CMGN), Elliot Carver (Jonathan Pryce) is planning to start a third World War between China and the UK. CMGN is a company which makes newpapers, tv and all sorts of media.
First, Carver uses a GPS encoder made by the American military, which the "high-tech terrorist" Henry Gupta (Ricky Jay) bought. The GPS encoder fools the British ship HMS Devonshire and makes the people on board to believe that they're in free water, when they are really entering Chinese water.
Hiding on a stealth ship, Carver's henchman Stamper (Götz Otto) gives orders to sink the Devonshire, and also shoot down some Chinese planes which has come to get the Devonshire away from Chinese water. Because it's a stealth ship, nobody knows that the real enemy is there.
China and the UK blaims eachother for causing this and this is worrying MI6. The British amiral Roebuck (Geoffrey Palmer) gives M (Judi Dench) 48 hours to investigate the sinking, then the navy will enter and the war will begin.
Bond (Pierce Brosnan) is send to do the investigating. He travels to Hamburg and meet an old girl of his, Paris (Teri Hatcher), who's now married to Carver. CMGN is celebrating a new satellite and Bond attend to the party pretending to be a bank man.
Carver doesn't believe him and sends henchmen to hurt Bond. But fortunately, Bond get out of there alive. With some help from Paris, Bond sneaks into Carver's newspaper headquarters and steals the GPS encoder. He meet the Chinese agent Wai Lin (Michelle Yeoh).
Bond then travel to China to look for the Devonshire which isn't where the MI6 thought it was. Wai Lin who's also investigating the same case, end up in the wreck of Devonshire at the same time as Bond. They notice that somebody has stolen some missiles from the ship.
They're almost drowned when the ship starts sinking again. But when they're up at the sea level again, they're taken prisoners by Stamper and taken to CMGN:s office in Vietnam. Now it's up to Bond and Wai Lin to save the world from a third World War!
The locations are good. Fit pretty good in this Bond film. His car, a BMW, is really cool even is it's destoyed pretty fast. But that's how it is to be a Bond car.
Carver isn't dangerous psysically, but he's still frightening and a good villain worthy Bond as his opponent. Stamper can just be too much, very unrealistic that he almost never dies, but sometimes they just do so in movies. Pierce Brosnan is really good as Bond, but the movie itself isn't that good. Unfortunately.

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