Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Birds

The Birds

Introducing Tippi Hedren in her first big role. 1963. Director: Alfred Hitchcock.
Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) is the spoilt daughter of a rich man owning a large newspaper. She comes to an animal store to get a mynah bird that she have ordered. It hasn't come, but during waiting for the cashier to make a phone call, she meet the handsome Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor).
He's looking for some lovebirds, and pretending to think that Melanie is an employee at the store, he makes her helping him looking for them. Melanie then learns that he's joking, but after seeing him leave, she decides to get him some lovebirds and give them to him.
She goes to Bodega Bay, a small town at the coast. But when the town, which is usually a quiet little town, is attacked by birds, Melanie, Mitch and the others there has to fight for their lives. What's the reason for these attackings?
That last question is never answered in the movie. That's really bad because if you never find out why it's happening, it's not so very interesting. If there's a war, you want to know why. Why is the most interesting question in the world. 'Why' is what we care about.
Tippi Hedren is really a terrible actress. She can hardly act and it's obvious that nobody could have chosen her for the part only for her acting skills. She's very good-looking, but that's not everything that matters in this world.
I'm very irritated of that in this movie, all women seems totally helpless against the birds. Melanie always screams: "Mitch, do something!". Can't she do anything on her own. It's the same with all other women. Really irritating.

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