Saturday, October 17, 2009



The best horror movie ever made, and maybe the best movie by Hitchcock. 1960. Director: Alfred Hitchcock.

To be able to marry her beloved boyfriend, Sam Loomis(John Gavin), the good-looking Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) steals 40 000 dollars and then flees Phoenix where she lives. She feels guilt and becomes scared of what her boss and everyone else will think.

But she doesn't turn back and return the money. Nothing will stop her from going to Sam and marry him. But then she didn't know of the Bates Motel or the owner, Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), or his mysterious mother...

This is one of the very few horror movies I've ever seen. But this movie isn't a stupid, disgusting piece of crap which most horror movie today are. This movie is done very nicely. It's dark, scary... and filled with suspense.

I'm not a fan of horror movies, especially not the ones made today. But I love this movie. Even if I find it very scary in some scenes, it's still not just a movie with scenes just made to scare you. The cinematography is great.

This could have been made in colour, but I think that it's splended in black and white. Everything becomes darker and the exitement increases. Shadows, darkness and horror. That's scary.

Anthony Perkins is marvelous as Norman Bates. His eyes, voice and way of acting. It's all perfect for the role. Maybe not like the Norman Bates in the book on which this movie is based on, but as the Norman Bates in this movie. Perkins is really radiating real talant.

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