Thursday, October 22, 2009

Death on the Nile

Death on the Nile

Exiting mystery on a boat on the Nile. 1978. Director: John Guillermin.
Linnet Ridgeway (Lois Chiles) is a very wealthy young woman who takes what she wants and leaves the rest. When her best friend, Jackie (Mia Farrow) introduces her beloved fiancé, Simon Doyle (Simon MacCorkindale), to Linnet, she's not slow in getting married to Simon.
The newlyweds Mr and Mrs Doyle travel to Egypt on their honeymoon, but they are not left alone. Jackie follows them everywhere. The friendship with Linnet is gone forever, and when Linnet is found death in her cabin on board of the boat they're all traveling with, Jackie is the suspect. But is that the truth?
I read the book by the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, before seeing the movie, so I knew who murdered Linnet all along. But when you saw it, it didn't really matter. It was really exiting anyway. Really mysterious and awfully exiting when you wonder who the murderer can be.
It's such a marvelous plot and it's all made so that you have no clue of who it can be. That's what's so good about Agatha Christie's stories. Suspense and always a completely unexpected ending. I read a whole bunch of her books during summer this year and found them very good. Maybe not all of them, but some are real masterpieces.
Things that are a little bit irritating is that in the book, Linnet is blond and Jackie dark-haired. In the movie, Linnet has some kind of darker type of brown hair and Jackie is red-haired. I didn't find so irritating that I couldn't watch the movie, oh no. I'm not that kind of person.
Mia Farrow is really good in her role. I think that she's almost too skinny to not be a copy of a catwalk model, but she's a cute actress and her way of acting is really good so it doesn't matter too much. But both Lois Chiles and Mia Farrow wears some dresses which show so much skin that you wonder if it's so probable to the reality back in the 30's...

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