Sunday, October 18, 2009

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Movie filled with all the magic you can wish for. 2005. Director: Mike Newell.
Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) has been dreaming the same nightmare, over and over again. His friends, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson), are both worried for him. When they all go to the World Cup of Quidditch, the Death Eaters arrive and causes serious problems.
They return to Hogwarts, where the Triwizard Tournament is to be held for students at the age of 17. It's a very dangerous competition, where people has died before. Being only 14, Harry is mysteriously chosen as a fourth champion. The one who got him into it must have wanting Harry to die, or is something even worse happening?
When I saw this at the theatre, there were all of these posters all around and I just couldn't wait to sit down and watch the movie as it started. And when it did, I loved from the first second. So full of magic, so splended and so entertaining.
Harry, Ron and Hermione are getting older and the changing feelings that you have when you're a teenager makes the friends both fighting and showing new feelings to people. Harry gets a mayor crush on the sweet Cho Chang (Katie Leung), but is hurt when she's going out with another champion, Cedric (Robert Pattison).
This movie contains sweet scenes where Harry tries to control his feelings for Cho, scenes where Ron expresses real embarrasment and exiting scenes where Harry has to fight for his life in the dangerous challenges which he must survive.
Hogwarts is moer magical then ever before and you feel as if you were walking around in the great castle, flying on a broom and attending to the entertaining ball where you can see the great hall as never before. This is true magic.

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