This is the fourth movie about Harry James Potter where the evil will come back to life again. 2005. Director: Mike Newell.

Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) wakes up, after having a nightmare which he just don't understand. An old man is killed by someone who Harry doesn't see in his dream. Was it just a dream, or reality? He doesn't think so much about that at the time, because he's going to the world cup of Quidditch with Ron (Rupert Grint) and his family.

But after an outstanding match, when people are celebrating and having fun, the fun turns into real panic. The Death Eaters appear and starts burning down the tents that the audience are living in during the time at the world cup. Harry and the others fly, but Harry is unfortunatly hit and falls unconcious to the ground.

When he later wakes up, he sees a man he dreamed about at the ruins of all the tents. The man shouts a spell and Voldemort's symbol appear among the dark clouds in the sky. When his friends find him there, the man is gone. Harry wonder who he was, because he was talking to the mysterious stranger in the dream.

The troubles doesn't seem to end when Harry get to Hogwarts. The Triwizard Tournament is held a Hogwarts, and all students at the age of seventeen are allowed to put their name into the Goblet of fire, which selects the champions. There's going to be one student from each of the three schools Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons.

Even though Harry is just fourteen, and he knows that he didn't put his name into the goblet, he's selected as a fourth champion. This makes everyone very angry at him, nobody except for Hermione wants to talk to him. That doesn't make Harry more happy or less scared. People die in the tournament, is that what whoever put his name into the goblet want? Or is it something even worse?

This is a marvelous movie filled with both fun and horrifyinf magic. In the beginning, it's more happy then later when Harry realizes that a terrible evil is hurting him on the inside. I just love this film, it's splended. The tasks that the champions have to go through are very dangerous, which is exiting to watch.
Harry's broomstick is very cool, if you ask me. Just had sto say that. The actors are good and it seems to have been in fashion for boys to have longer hair then before and in the later films.

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