The best one so far of the films about Harry Potter. This is the third one. 2004. Director: Alfonso CuarĂ³n.

Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) is sick of the Dursleys so he leaves their home. The Knight Bus takes him to The Leaky Cauldron where the white owl Hedwig and all of his stuff are waiting for him. Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) are also there, along with their pets. Ron has an ugly rat and Hermione owns a newly bought cat called Crookshanks.

Harry finds out that a very dangerous murderer named Sirius Black (Gary Oldman), who's been held prisoner in the famous prison of Azkaban, has escaped and now he's looking for Harry. They say that escaping from Azkaban is impossible, but he's done it which proves the opposite. For Harry this means trouble.

Traveling to the school of witchcraft and wizardry, the train is attacked by the dangerous Dementors who usually guard Azkaban but now is tracking Sirius Black. Harry experience the danger of meeting a Dementor. They suck out the good memories that a person has, and makes them remember the most horrible things over and over again.

At Hogwarts, Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) tells the students and all others that Hogwarts is still safe, but it's very dangerous to leave the schools area. People can wonder if what he says is true, is Hogwarts really safe? It doesn't seem so when the wanted killer Sirius comes and without any trouble sneaks in. But how did he do it? Is there an inside man?

They say that Sirius was, and still is, a Death Eater. That he once destroyed his childhood friend Peter Pettigrew (Timothy Spall) and the only thing left were his little finger. Harry tells his new teacher in Defense against Dark arts, Remus Lupin (David Thewlis), that he wants to be prepared if he has to fight against the evil Dementors or Sirius. Lupin is a very good teacher, and very kind to Harry so he promise to teach him the Patronus spell. Is that going to help Harry in this situation where an unseen killer can be walking right behind him?

This is my personal favourite of the films. It's very well made and all of the actors are good. They show the beautiful views of Scotland, even if a lot is made in a computer. The movies is more serious now, it's not just an easy game (even if it haven't been so before either) any more, but a deep psychically challenge for young Harry. The Dementors are terrible frightening. It's a more touching picture then the other two.
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